This morning as I was worshipping God, I had a heavenly vision of people dancing before the throne of God. Interesting observation that while there were many that were lost in their joyful dance celebrating their connection to God and His forgiveness, there were many others who were standing around just watching and I could hear their thoughts. They were thinking things like “Who are they to dance before God, I know what kind of life they had”, or “I’ve lived a righteous life, why don’t I feel like dancing?”.
The truth is, you will never come even close to knowing Gods love until you fully realize your own brokenness.
We may try to hold our broken lives together on our own strength by our own means in order to “Save Face”, but only the blood of Christ can truly hold all those broken pieces together to make something whole and beautiful again. There is no pleasure on this earth that can compare to the pleasure of knowing God and His love for us.
I have been broken all my life. Only recently have I found the courage to embrace and own my own brokenness. In my weakness Christ is glorified. I don’t care about worldly things.
Read the bible and pray. If you don’t know where to start, the Gospel According to John is a great place for beginners. If you don’t know what to pray, you can start with “God I hurt, I feel broken. Show yourself to me that I may feel whole again.” If you feel like you don’t love God enough, just pray “God help me to love You more”
When I prayed to God to help me love Him more, His answer was to show me just how broken and needy I was. The person who is forgiven a great debt loves more deeply that the person who is forgiven little.